Section 8 of Chapter 1:

The tribe syndrome

Copyright Raimondo Ballisti, June 2020
    Just observe nature around you:
    everything seems at first glance idyllic and beautiful.
    But a more deep observation will reveal the true:
    everything is fighting for survival!
    Life can be described simply as to stay alive or to die.
    There are many strategy to survival. For animals, one often chosen way is to build groups.
    A group protect individuals and sometime they sacrificed one of their for the sake of the others. Think about the big heard of gazelles, gnus, zebras in Africa which stay together in order to survive to predators attacks. And on the other side of the line the predators which hunt in group in order to succeed and catch food.
    The same happened to mankind struggling for survival and finding the building of groups (family, tribe) as the best strategy to approach this goal.

    Tim Urban explained better than I can:
    ...going back to 100'000 years ago ...
    being part of a tribe was critical to survival. A tribe meant food and protection in a time when neither was easy to come by. So for your Great2,000 Grandfather, almost nothing in the world was more important than being accepted by his fellow tribe members, especially those in positions of authority. Fitting in with those around him and pleasing those above him meant he could stay in the tribe, and about the worst nightmare he could imagine would be people in the tribe starting to whisper about how annoying or unproductive or weird he was because if enough people disapproved of him, his ranking within the tribe would drop, and if it got really bad, he'd be kicked out altogether and left for dead. He also knew that if he ever embarrassed himself by pursuing a girl in the tribe and being rejected, she'd tell the other girls about it, not only would he have blown his chance with that girl, but he might never have a mate at all now because every girl that would ever be in his life knew about his lame, failed attempt.
    Being socially accepted was everything.

    On March 2020 I wrote on FaceBook:
    Let speak about the evolutionary behaviour: I hope that you agree with me that for all being on this planet the first goal is the own survival. Then the survival of the own family, the clan, tribe and so on.
    To succeed in survival one can use many strategies. One big leap forward for humanity was the introduction of language which allowed to exchange experiences and also to coordinate defence or hunting. Not relevant for this discussion is the discovery of fire, which helped a lot in the survival of our specie. In front of an overwhelming nature, mankind succeeded in building communities in which people helped each others. Each one has is own skills, somebody better in arching, somebody better in producing tools, and so on. But survival of the tribe was the common goal. You can easily see this still today in some underdeveloped part of the word.
    But then conflicts started between tribes for the exploitation of the resources. For instance hunting territories. The same happens today, just think of the petrol, or the mining, or the fishing grounds, etc. Instead of sharing, everyone is fighting for his own supremacy (like "America first").
    Well, this is a possibility in the history of humanity. But I am asking myself if it is not time to try to change this "evolutionary behaviour" for the sake of a peaceful world. We would have the necessary technology and would just need a huge agreement and consents, which I know is at present nearly impossible. But it is our duty to try to depict other possibilities of development, if we want to safe our planet.

    In December 2018 I wrote on FaceBook:

    Humanity is driven by genes which once were necessary to survival.
    It is like as we would still use a very old software. Going on like this will bring us to extinction, quite sure.
    It is time to leave all those past "habits" behind and try to build a new conscience, a kind of new software, based on our ethics, on our own thinking (possibly not biased), getting the best out of the past but forging a new society with love, compassion, empathy and not hate and fear.
    Will we be able to succeed in this turnaround?
    We need a change of paradigm, we need a new economy , a new way of understand business: no more for "profit" but for "usefulness" and thus a new way of life.
    Modern technology could help us, if we use it in an appropriate way.
    Einstein said once (approximatively) that we cannot solve problems using the same tools (or thinking) with which we created them.
    Thus we should let the brain of the young generation be free from our bias: let them be critical and innovative. And let us help them to forget "to believe", which blocks our mind, and learn to use "to think" instead.

    On November 2017 I wrote on Facebook:
    The real big problem is the innate nature of mankind which comes out of our evolution: main instinct is the survival one. From this we can understand the whole behaviour of mankind. And so important till today the "tribe instinct" often also called "social pressure of the group" that you can translate into nationalism, racism and all forms of discrimination. We can say in one sentence: "us" and "the others". I want to try to avoid the building of those two groups.
    In some culture the family is a very strong group and the social pressure upon each member is huge. Family has to have absolute priority upon single member.
    This archaic way of thinking is restricting the freedom of the individual, in the first place this is a heavy burden to women (in a patriarchal society).
    We are all human, we are all entitled to try to have a decent life, and we should try to support each others.
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