Section 4 of Chapter 3:The tribe syndromeCopyright Raimondo Ballisti, September 2020 Work in progress ... |
The behavior of mankind has been determined by the evolution.
The first goal was survival and soon mankind discovered, that the ideal group of people in order to survive was between 30 and 120 members. This was then a tribe. The very important point here is, that having defined some people as members of the tribe means that everybody else is NOT a member. This is the first social division (wall) between people appearing in man history. We should stop a moment here to reflect about the importance of this point. Inside the tribe we also have families, which were the core of the social organisation at that time. We have now to understand that this kind of social organisation imply that every individual must behave in conformity of the rules of the group, thus there is a social pressure upon every member, if they don't want to became "traitors" and as a consequence, killed or exiled from the group (tribe, nation). I would like to emphasis the wall which is build between the members of the group and all outsiders. We find this in many aspect of our social life. For instance the skin colour: one of the big nonsense in our socalled "civilised" world. But also religions are responsible for a huge wall between people, as well as the "nation" as an evolution of the former tribe. Everything which allows to say "we" builds a wall between "us" and "the others". If we want to build a peaceful society on this planets we should avoid building walls and instead we should build bridges bewteen the different groups (tribes, nations) of people. One first step is to understand that NOBODY has the 100% truth. The next step is showing respect toward others. Next is to accept do discuss together and try to compromise. Here there is a big point to consider: where do we put our red lines? For instance I strongly disagree with all the action which are not reversible, done on children (which cannot defend themselves), mostly for religious or traditional raisons. Killing for whatever raison is also beyond the red line for me. (work in progress ...) |
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